
Chilean pork: produced under the highest standards of food safety, health, biosecurity, and sustainability
ChilePork member companies reuse and recirculate over 67% of the water they use

Chilean pork: produced under the highest standards of food safety, health, biosecurity, and sustainability
Competitiveness: the key for the food sector’s future

Chilean pork: produced under the highest standards of food safety, health, biosecurity, and sustainability
ChileCarne meets with new government officials

Chilean pork: produced under the highest standards of food safety, health, biosecurity, and sustainability
Pork and Poultry were Chile’s fourth most exported food in 2022

Chilean pork: produced under the highest standards of food safety, health, biosecurity, and sustainability
TPP-11’s benefits and opportunities for Chilean white meat exports

Chilean pork: produced under the highest standards of food safety, health, biosecurity, and sustainability
First Chilean Odor Emissions Standard: a challenge for the pig sector